
Enhancing Well Control: Vertechs' Innovative Technologies at ADIPEC 2024
At the recently concluded ADIPEC 2024, Vertechs introduced two innovative well control technologies that enhance operational efficiency and safety. IPC Titan - Smart Choke Retrofit can upgrade manual chokes to electrical ones, improving control precision, response time, and control periods. It also allows for remo
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Vertechs Dissolvable Frac Plug Solutions for Oval Casing Conditions in OGN 08/2024 Issue
While most frac plugs perform well in round casings, dealing with oval casings presents significant challenges, such as ineffective isolation, increased sticking risk, prolonged operation times, and higher costs.The August 2024 Oil & Gas News Issue featured an article introducing Vertechs dissolvable frac plug solu
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Case Study Spotlight: Vertechs Technology on Preventing Mud Loss in Oilfield Technology May/June 2024 Issue
In drilling operations, formations with microfractures are sensitive to drilling fluid density, which leads to increased well control risks and NPT. Without appropriate preventive and remedial measures, drilling a well through such formations is always challenging. In the May/June 2024 issue of Oilfield Technology, a V
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GOTECH 2024: Expertise in Casing Deformation Solutions
Running frac plugs in wells with restriction poses significant challenges, from pump down issues to plug failures and casing erosion. Deformations in the casing further complicate operations, risking delays and increasing costs. To address these challenges, dissolvable frac plugs offer a field proven and promising solu
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Case Study Spotlight: Vertechs Dissolvable Plug Technology in JPT's February 2024 Issue
Casing deformations are common in the southwest shale regions of China and the Middle East, which limits the use of conventional frac plugs and consequently reduces the efficiency of well completion. In the February 2024 Issue, The Journal of Petroleum Technology featured a Vertechs case study: Plug Your Way Throu
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Join us at ADIPEC 2023 in Abu Dhabi from October 2-5 (Hall 2, Stand 2410) for a technology-packed showcase
Explore our Unconventional Completion solutions:WIZARD® Ultra Dissolvable Plug: Engineered for extreme conditions, such as acid frac, rated at 15kpsi and 350°F, fully dissolvable.Discover our cutting-edge Digital Drilling Technologies:· IPC  Intelligent Well Control:Utilizing a model-free algorithm for precision p
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World Oil July Issue Features Vertechs Group's Digital Drilling Technology
Drilling is a complex process that involves numerous actions and parameters. Historically, the analysis of drilling operations relied on records from individual wells. However, this process presented significant challenges in extracting usable information from job logs, excel sheets and reports. This approach proved to
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Vertechs' Dissolvable Technology Featured in JPT June Edition
The June edition of the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT) has featured Vertechs’ WIZARD ZERO Large-Bore Dissolvable Collet technology and its corresponding application case studies. In response to the current challenges faced by conventional dissolvable frac plugs, such as failure during stimulation or incompl
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Drilling Contractor Features Vertechs Metal Seal Dissolvable Plugs
From a neutral standpoint, we have contributed a brief article on the utilization of elastomer and metal to metal seals in dissolvable frac plugs in the 2023 March/April issue of IADC magazine. Improvement and optimization are only possible through encountering and overcoming challenges, setbacks, and failures. We welc
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